Thursday, February 20, 2014

60 Minute Flow Sequence: Jivamukti-Inspired Figure-4

Last week's Jivamukti Magic Ten-inspired class was well received and so I thought I'd uise the same "shell" to explore external rotation of the hip in things like Figure-4.  One of the keys to the success of these sequences is the pace.  Postures are held long enough to give me, the teacher, plenty of time to adjust students and then instruct the next posture.  It's also very easy for me to remember this type of sequence because it has a repeating structure with logical progression.

First Vinyasa

Adho Mukha Svansana
Roll onto Back Supine
Figure-4  -->  Twisting Figure-4  (First Side)
Figure-4  -->  Twisting Figure-4  (Second Side)
Hinge to Seated
Cross Shins and Step Back
Adho Mukha Svansana
Walk Forward
Utkatasana Low

Second Vinyasa

Shoulder Rotations
Consider Using Strap to Really Open Shoulders
Clasp Hands Behind Back with Straight-ish Arms
Fold Over into Drinking Bird
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Twisitng Dragon Thigh-Stretch Shoulder-Opener and One Foot is in Figure-4  (First Side)
Twisitng Dragon Thigh-Stretch Shoulder-Opener and One Foot is in Figure-4  (Second Side)
Roll onto Back Supine
Table Prep
Table Figure-4  (First Side) -- Really Find Strength of Ankle on Top of Knee
Table Figure-4  (Second Side)
Hinge to Seated
Cross Shins and Step Back
Adho Mukha Svansana
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana  (First Side)
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana  (Second Side)
Adho Mukha Svansana
Walk Forward
Utkatasana Low

Standing Postures

Prasaritta Padottanasana with Blocks
Turn Feet to Face Back of Room with Straight Legs
Parvottanasana --> Parvritta Trikonasana --> Parvritta Ardha Chandrasana  (First Side)
Turn Feet to Face Front of Room with Straight Legs
Parvottanasana --> Parvritta Trikonasana --> Parvritta Ardha Chandrasana  (Second Side)
Prasaritta Padottanasana --> Rise
Vrkasana  (First Side)
Vrkasana  (Second Side)
Adho Mukha Svansana
Turbo Pigeon  (First Side)
Turbo Pigeon  (Second Side)
Come to Ground ... Reach Long for Traction ... Sphinx

Pinnacle Posture

Stand in Middle of Mat Facing Front
Standing Figure-4 One-Leg Balance  (First Side)
Standing Figure-4 One-Leg Balance  (Seocnd Side)
Folded Over Standing Figure-4 One-Leg Balance  (First Side)
Folded Over Standing Figure-4 One-Leg Balance  (Seocnd Side)

Closing Sequence

Sit Down
Knee-Over Psoas Twist-Stretch  (First Side)
Knee-Over Psoas Twist-Stretch  (Second Side)
Roll onto Back
Twisted Roots  (First Side)
Twisted Roots  (Second Side)
Supported Shoulder Stand
Knees to Chest

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