Tuesday, May 9, 2017

AcroYoga Description, Bio, Foundational Workshop Routine


AcroYoga is partnership.  It is the union of two or more energetic bodies into a cooperative soul.  It builds on the wisdom of [solo] yoga and adds layers of complexity through reliance on communication, support, and sympathy/empathy.  In many ways, it's "more yoga than yoga", because it takes us out of our own heads and asks us to commune with others for the benefit of all.

This workshop explores the foundations of AcroYoga partnership, touch, postures, and transitions.  We'll work together to build a safe, supportive atmosphere in which individuals can learn to FLY as a flock!

Be prepared to be upside down, to touch others, and to be touched. Maximum attendance is 24.  Appropriate for all levels.  No partner or experience needed.  Frailty, brittle bones, and blood pressure issues are contra-indicators.


Jason & Emily are the co-owners of Binghamton Yoga.  They've been teaching AcroYoga together for nearly 4 years and love sharing their experience with others.  They've brought AcroYoga to Yoga Body Shop several times in the past and look forward to celebrating this auspicious 10-year anniversary with a joyoues exploration of foundational AcroYoga postures and transitions.  They hold weekly and monthly AcroYoga classes at their studio in Endicott.


Cirlce Ceremony

- Learning to Fly to align Flyer
- All-4 for Bone Stacking
- Put them together for When Doves Fly All-4s Stack

- Calibrations
- Base Test
- Bird
- Throne
- Throne to Bird Transition
- Folded Leaf
- High-Flying Whale

Thai Massage with Initial Partner


We were lucky enough to have Bret and Sam assist us.