Friday, February 27, 2015

Algin & Flow Sequence - Forward & Back Core

Forward & Back Core

Align & Flow Sequence for 90 Minute Class

Friday, February 26, 2015, 9:30am - 11:00am

This morning's class received really great feedback, so I thought I'd Blog it for future reference.  I believe the nature of this sequence probably works better in the morning than in the evening since the postures tend to excite the body and because the climax is so close to the end.

The focus is on staying within the safe-zone of action - being able to become strong and flexible when needed only to return back to the center more well-informed and better able to handle the extremes of life.

At no time does this class go beyond the boundaries of breath awareness.  The abdominal work must match the breath and the flow near the end cannot go too fast.  We want to energize from a parasympathetic place.


Side Hip Hump
Star Forward Fold
Belly --> Traction --> Sphinx --> Seal
Child --> Crescent Child
Figure-4 Twist Reclined


Slow Crunches with Emphasis on Breath & the Relaxed Moments
Oblique Twists using Sandbags with Emphasis on Exploration of Spinal Column
Feet Up, Lift Head/Neck/Shoulders --> Hinge & Hover
Half Twist Side Crunches
Feet Up, Lift Head/Neck/Shoulders, Point Toes to Sides of Room --> Hinge & Hover
Flat --> Low Boat ... Becoming Aware of  Toes Effect on Core
Oblique Twists using Sandbags Going Deeper & Further
Egg Rock 360 Rolls

Belly --> Sphinx --> Elevated Sphinx with Exploration of Sides
Seated Star to Half Hero Twist for Ab Release
Half Marichyasana Glute Stretch


Down Dog --> Plank --> Updog Flow
Child --> Crescent Child
Forearm All-4's --> Donkey Kicks

Belly --> Flat --> Single Leg Lifts Slow with Breath
Double Leg Lift ... Hold ... Explore Tuck & Lift of Tailbone
Stand on Knees --> Pizza Arm Rotations
Down Dog --> Plank --> Updog Flow
Forearm Heart Pump

Energized Flow

Down Dog --> One Leg Down Dog
High Lunge --> Pizza Arms --> Warrior II Exploration
Down Dog --> Plank --> Updog Flow
Repeat Other Side

Down Dog --> One Leg Down Dog
Lunge --> Parvritta Parsvakonasana
Down Dog --> Plank --> Updog Flow
Repeat Other Side

Wide Leg Down Dog
Move from Side-to-Side
Come to Stand
Find Tadasana
Close Eyes & Find Equanimity
Single Leg Balance with Eyes Closed Then Open Eyes - Feel the Difference
Both Sides


Paschimottanasana with Blanket Rolled Under Knees
Half Spinal Twist