Wednesday, February 12, 2014

AcroYoga Playtime Sequence (Feb 2014 One of Four)


Our AcroYoga workshop with Jean-Jacques Gabriel at Binghamton Yoga went really well last month and people have been asking for playtime.  Completely independently, Sheila Bunnell, our Iyengar instructor went away for four weeks.  This gave me a prime time time-slot to experiment with for a short time.  So, I decided to use this opportunity to run a four week, basic AcroFlying & Therapeutics series.  It will be led by me and my lovely assistant, Emily Brown.  It'll run Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:15pm, Feb 12 thru Mar 5, 2014.

The class will have five components:
  1. Solar Flow Warm-Up
  2. Partner Potpouri
  3. Acro Flying
  4. Therapeutics
  5. Thai Massage
The Solar Flow is a fast warm-up to class.  It should take about 20 minutes.  The first half of the postures are base-oriented, while the second half are flier-oriented. The Partner Potpouri gets people into basic partner work and gets things rolling.  The AcroFlying will focus on calibrations and Plank / Front Bird.  Therapeutics will revolve around straight-forward, relaxed positions for the flier & solid, supportive ones for the base.  We will incorporate a small amount of Thai Massage into the the Therapeutics as Leg Love.

Solar Flow

Base Building - No One Flies without a Base

Start on Back and Relax
Lift Legs Straight Up ... Point / Flex / Rotate Feet & Ankles
Hinge Down to Floor

Pull Knee to Chest & Hold ... Lift Head-Neck-Shoulders ... Play thru 1/2 Happy Baby & Straight Leg Toward Ear
Repeat Other Side
Both Sides

Hinge Down to Low Boat Hold
Bicycle Abs

Hinge & Roll To Front of Mat

Stand in Squat at Front of Mat with Knees & Toes Turned 45 Degrees Out
Malasana Squat Lift Reps

Plank --> Down Dog --> Leg Up --> Donkey Kicks --> Lunge --> Lunging Back Leg Lifts --> Float Forward --> Single Leg Balance Straight Back Leg / Bend Front Knee Only Lifts
Pada Hastasana Forward Bend
Repeat Other Side

Plank --> Side Plank --> Side Plank --> Floor

Flight Strength

Starting on Belly on Floor ... Reach Arms and Relax into Traction
Sphinx --> Sphinx Belly Lift Hold
Walk Hands back to Feet at Back of Mat

Uttanasana --> Ardha Uttanasana --> Urdhva Hastasana
Levator Scapulae Rotations
Hands behind Head ... Standing Backbend ... Bend Sideways ... Other Side

Lunge Forward - Back Knee Down Hand Out - Twisting Thigh Lunge Stretch

Come to Floor --> Cobra --> Up Dog --> Salambasana

Balasana Long Hold
Tread Needle Shoulder Stretch & Twist Both Sides


Partner Potpouri

Form Two Partner Group

You must Commit to your Partner & your Partner to You - Halfway is Not Enough!

Wheelbarrow Across Room
Switch with Same Partner
Return Wheelbarrow Across Room

New Partner
Partner Chest Opener
Switch with Same Partner

Acro Flying

Form Three Partner Group

Communication is Crucial - Speak Up
Fliers Straight & Lifted - Bases Straight & Grounded - Spotters Aware 

All Three People: Calibrations In/Out with Spotter Giving Feedback

All Three People: Lift to Plank and Hold

All Three People: Lift to Plank and Press Reps

All Three People: Lift to Plank - Go Hands Free

Consider Half Bow and Full Bow Variations

Therapeutics & Thai Massage

Using Same Three Partner Group

Trust & Support - Trust & Relax

All Three People: Lift into Down Dog Mount - Hands on Shoulders - Hold

All Three People: Lift thru Down Dog Mount to Baddha Konasana Hands & Feet - Hold

All Three People: Folded Leaf

Consider Tricep Stretch and Cute Pose Variations

Keeping it very simple - After Last Lift, Flier Gives Leg Love
Base Feet Straight Up - Pound Feet
Step Beyond Feed - Ankle Rotations
Step Between Ankles - Bull Fighter Pull
Bus Driver


This is a very basic introduction to AcroYoga flying.  We learned that communication, commitment & community are the key to successful pratice.  You can't do this by yourself!

Next week we'll form new groups and build on what we've done.

1 comment:

  1. Six happy yogis attended our first session. This was perfect because it led to two groups of three plus Emily & I supervising.

    Our emphasis on base building & repetition seemed to be right on. People really need to feel confident before they can move on.
