Our society has a tendancy to pull us forward, to make us literally be "on our toes" all day long. This draws the hips forward, spirals the most important parts of the body out into the world, and results in a weak core.Today's class will ask us to draw the hips back over the heels and stack the spine over a strong core to promote physical ease and emotional balance.
To do this, we'll stretch the quads & lumber, then strengthen the hamstrings & abs. Meanwhile, we'll draw into strong inner thighs and lifting arches. We'll test our pull-in through a few interestingly adapted postures.
Mat, 3 Blankets, 3 Blocks, Strap, Large Round BolsterConnect with Earth in Constructive Rest
Settle-in, close eyes, and breath for awhileThen note difference between knees-together / feet-wide and feet-together / knees wide.
Notice how knees-together / feet-apart causes the tail bone to lift, the lumbar to curve, and the thighs to spiral into the hips, Meanwhile feet-together / knees-wide causes the tailbone to tuck, the lumbar to flatten, and the thighs to spiral out of the hip sockets.
Today's class will focus on drawing us into our strong natural curves.
Spine Calm Movements
Self-Massage Face, Head, and Neck
Stretch Long --> Banana
Windshield Wiper Leg Movements --> Pausing and Holding Side to Feel Inner Spiral and length
Figure-4 --> Add Twist
Ball --> Roll to Side
Connect with Earth in Child's Posture
Child's Posture is another posture in which we can feel the difference between sinking into inner-spiral and disintegrating into outer-spiral. Legs-together with folded-blanket between thighs & belly and head supported provides a deep, calming grounding. Meanwhile, knees wide, belly dropping through is just another version of thighs rolling out of joint and belly hanging loose. Many people rush to knees wide and head on ground because they believe this IS the proper position. However, "proper" is relative and most of us need inner-spiral far more than we need outer-spiral.All-4's Calm Movement
Anjanayasana with Blocks --> Relax at first, then Draw Up, and Focus on Tailbone Lift / Tuck Action --> Add Thoughtful Sidebend for Psoas / Upper-Thigh StretchThoughtful Camel on Blanket --> Hips Over Knees --> Even Tuck Chin to Feel deep Connection While Opening Shoulders & Chest
Down Dog / Crouching Cat Exploration
Walk Halfway Forward to Blocks --> Arhda Uttanasana --> Grapeview to Side with Exploration
Roll to Rise
Reaching then Grounding
Explore your Happy Place --> Roll the Head / Neck / Shoulders --> Use Strap for Chest OpenerOnce that urge has passed, let's return to our grounded place. Fold top of mat back toward you, then fold it the opposite direction to create a triple thick area. Stand on the edge of that shelf with your toes, so your heels are lower than your toes. Consdier adding a block between the thighs.
Feel the Grounded Nature of Standing in Your Heels and Squeezing your Thighs
Shrugs --? 90 degree Outs --> Biceps -->> 90 degree Overs --> Triceps --> V-Lifts
Wall Work to Stretch Quads and Engage Arches
Bring 2 Blocks to Wall - No mat neededStanding Quad Stretch -Facing Wall --> Relax --> Put Block on Ground Next to One Another for Calf Raises
Standing Quad Stretch Facing Away from Wall (takes balance to sink backwards into the wall while keeping toes flexed against the wall) --> Relax --> Block along Wall, Place Toes & Transverse Arch on Extreme Edge of Block then Pull Toes down side of block to create extreme Toe Flexion - Notice how this also creates a Large Arch in your foot --> Stretch Top of Foot with Counter Pose
Return to Mat
Find Hamstring Strength
Build Blanket Platform to Support Body from Knees to Chest --> Lay Belly on PlatformSlow, Clam Hamstring Curls --> First Time Knee Stays Connected to Platform --> Second Time Thru Micro-Lift Knee and Feel Full Engagement of Hamstring into Glutes
Find Inner Thigh Strength
Lay Halfway Back on Elbows --> Extend One Leg while Bending the Other --> Inner Thigh Lifts from Low & Wide to Up & In. Squeeze at Top.Find Inner Ab Strength
Constructive RestBlock between Thgihs for Crunches --> Remove Block and Focus on Side Crunches --> R&R
Hollow Body Low Boat Lift & Hold --> R&R
Test Your Core
Forearm Plank with 3 Block Platform Under Belly --> Lift Up Off Platform for Long HoldConsdier Lifting a Leg on Second Time Thru
Test Your Balance
Single Leg Lift Reps --> Slow Down and Hold --> Add Leg PikeThen Notice How "Normal" Tree Creates a Huge External Rotation and Outer Spiral that Looses the Strength (Unless you really squeeze the midline like crazy)
Test Both at Wall
6-Block Supported Headstand --> Notice how Hollow Body makes this so much easier and natural as you're able to pull you feet away from the wallReintegrate
Back to MatOn Belly --> Prone Windshield Wiper Movements
Stretch Long --> Banana --> Half Frog --> Cat Tail Staying Low to Ground and Hugging into Yourself
Final Relaxation
Bolstered Supported Savasana Long Hold --> Note how this is similar to Constructive Rest Upside DownSeat Meditation
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