Thursday, March 13, 2014

Saturday Evening Yin Sequence

After months of people saying "we should get together on a weekend night at Binghamton Yoga and have a yoga get-together," I finally decided to make it happen.  To give the evening a focus, a group class seems appropriate, but because everyone is so familiar with Vinyasa Flow AND because it's late we're not trying to kill ourselves, I thought a Yin-style class would be both universally accessible and something new & different to this group.

The hardest part of Yin is learning to relax and letting time & exploration yield change rather than effort & alignment.  Most of these students are really comfortable with Yang style practice, so making sure they listen to their body sink into the posture is going to be the most important part.  I'm going to often ask them to close their eyes and FEEL the posture.  I'll ask them to move slow & explore...looking for deep, slow, mild discomfort & awareness as the fascia gives way - avoiding muscle energy and letting gravity assist.

Students will need 3 blankets, 2 mats, 2 blocks, 1 strap & 1 bolster.  They'll want lots of space around them.  The postures I've chosen should limit weight-bearing on hands.  Room should be warm.

* Supine Learning to Fly Chest Opener using 2 Blocks, 1 Blanket, 1 Strap - 5:00

* Side Sphinx Psoas Stretch Right Side with Blocks under Elbow - 3:00
* Follow Thru with Cat Tail Same Side using Blanket Under Knee - 3:00

* Side Sphinx Psoas Stretch Left Side with Blocks under Elbow - 3:00
* Follow Thru with Cat Tail Same Side using Blanket Under Knee - 3:00

* Seal with 3 Blankets Stacked - 3:00

* Yang Camel Transition using Blanket Under Knees - 1:00

* Saddle with Optional Blankets under Back - 3:00

* Interlude:
   > All-4's ... One Leg Back to Stretch Knee ... Other Leg Back to Stretch Knee
   > Down Dog Peddle, Plank, Child
   > Walk Forward

* Uttanasana - 2:00

* Roll to Stand Very, Very Slowly

* Anjanayasana Right with Blocks - 2:00
* Anjanayasana Left with Blocks - 2:00

* Frog - 3:00

* Twisted Roots Right w/ Sandbag & Block for Support - 3:00
* Twisted Roots Left w/ Sandbag & Block for Support - 3:00

* Yang Hinge 3 Times - Slow Down, Hover, Relax
* Fourth Hinge to Sit-Up

* Caterpillar with Support Under Head - 3:00

* Snail w/ Blanket Under Back to Cushion Spine- 4:00

* Pentacle w/ Blanket Cover - 3:00

* Sukhasana

* OM - om shanti shanti shanti namaste

1 comment:

  1. Excellent class. Started at 6:20pm and ran until 7:40pm. Fourteen participants:

    Went to dinner at Tony's afterwards for food, fun, conversation, laughs. Great community-building.
