Respect yourself.
Respect your partner.
Respect the community.
Please bathe before coming to AcroYoga.
Please brush your teeth, comb your hair, and brush your teeth.
Please refrain from wearing strong perfumes or odors on your body.
No one wants to catch a disease from a partner.
If you have a cold, please don't come.
If you have fungus anywhere on your body, then it MUST be covered and properly cared for.
We cannot allow the spread of ant contagious afflictions through AcroYoga.
Wear proper clothing. AKA: Strap in your junk.
Men: No one wants to see your testicles pop out of your shorts. Please wear inner-lined pants.
Women: We've all seen boobs and lips, so we don't need to see yours. Please wear a sports bra and underwear.
Leave politics and controversy at home.
These distract us from ourselves, our bodies, and the connection we have to others.