Binghamton Yoga instructor, Yvette, was on vacation for a week and we needed a gentle 90 minute replacement. I used this sequence on one of those days.
Since these students are used to Svaroopa style yoga, they have a good awareness of the Sacrum and surrounding areas. However, they don't hear much about Facia, so I usually spend some time introducing the idea of differences between muscle, bone, and fascia. Then I talk about the 3 S's of Yin:
- Softness
- Stillness
- Steadiness
Yin Yoga 90-Minute Sequence:
- Svaroopa Style Savasana with Tall Blanket & Bolster Stack
- Add Dirga Breath
- Svaroopa Style Half Spinal Twist
- Sacrum Supported Shoulderstand w/ Bolster
- Draw Feet Over Head for Half Snail w/ Bolster (Salamba Arhda Halasana)
- Crime Scene --> Cat Tail
- Come to Wall for Supported Forward Bend (Salamba Uttanasana)
- Hip Hump Side Stretch w/ Bolster
- Supported Sphinx
- Come to Wall for Legs Up into Wide Leg Split (Salamba Supta Upavistha Konasana)
- Wall Figure-4 --> Twist
- Legs Up Wall or Svaroopa Style Savasana with Tall Blanket & Bolster Stack