Thursday, July 17, 2014

Align & Flow Sequence: Pelvic Power through F-A-B

I've been reading Eric Franklin's Pelvic Power book,and decided to base today's class on it.  This was perfect because Binghamton Yoga's Iyengar instructor, Sheila Bunnell, was away and I was subbing her 75 minute evening class.  Her students are well-prepared to find interest in smaller muscles and finer actions.

Chair, 2nd Yoga Mat, 3 Blocks, & at least 1 Blanket

Seated on floor in Sukhasana or in chair

Our pelvis is the epicenter of our existence.  It's where our umbilical cord connects and the "bowl" that holds all our vital organs.  Unlike many other (lower) animals, our pelvis and abdomen are not contained within an extended ribcage.  Instead, we have a basic bony structure of hips & pubis, wrapped with tough, but soft, muscles and tendons.  Every time we breath and/or move this area expands and/or contracts its contents.

Consider the F-A-B....Features-Advantages-Benefits of this area.
  • Display the features of our pelvis....ASIS, PSIS, Pubic Symphysis.  Talk about how they move in unison & opposition. 
  • Display the advantages of our pelvis.....The cooperation of these features builds a system capable of balancing, flexing, pressing, rotating, bending, flexing, etc in a multitude of directions and gives us humans great Pelvic Power.
  • Display the benefits of pelvic power......Powerful, balanced pelvis is the epicenter of proper yoga and thus a way to unbounded health.

Warm-Ups:  Talk about visualizing pelvic features & how they work toward advantages.

Belly Dance Hip Swivels
Oblique Rotations with Variations
Air-Swim Arms & Shoulders Forward & Back
Head/Neck/Shoulder Circles with Variations
Side Squeezes
March......Add Twist......Add Elbow Twist Rotation
Hands & Feet
Head/Neck/Shoulder Circles with Variations
Pocket Stretch for Levator Scapula

Simple Cow/Cat
Diagonal Cow/Cat
Side Squeezes
Child's Posture
Spinal Rolls
Wrist Work

Finding Our Pelvis:  Talk about the need for muscles to have range of motion.
Sit in Chair with 2nd Mat on it
Feel Sit Bones and Pelvis in Chair
Blanket Under One Sit Bone - Take Time to Feel It
   - Pause & Level - Do Other Side
Back to First Side with Blanket - Do Reps then Hold
   - Pause & Level - Do Other Side
Block Between Inner Thighs - Squeeze on Exhale - Relax on Inhale- Reps
Boat Pose Balanced on Chair - Add Block Between Thighs
Figure-4 Forward Fold Both Sides to Relax Pelvis and Stretch Outer Shell
Repeat Inner Thighs, Boat & Figure-4

Child's Posture
Spinal Rolls.....Add Side to Side to Find Pelvis & Abdomen
Wrist Work

Pranayama 1:  Talk about the supple pelvis facilitating intense breath.
Sit in Chair with 2nd Mat on It
Fire Breath - Exhale Version - With Fold-Over and Rise to Hold-Out
   - Repeat 3 Times

Moving Up the Body:  Pelvis is the Core and on it we build an amazing structure.  Move into the other floors. Understand that the shoulder girdle is the "pelvis" of the upper body.
Dolphin Plank
Dolphin Down-Dog
Swimming Dolphin
Sit Back & Stretch Shoulders
Head/Neck/Shoulder Circles with Variations
Reverse Table

Headstand: So strong that the entire structure can stand upside down.  Turning arms into legs.
Come to Wall with Both Mats + 1 Block
Headstand Prep Variations
Headstand HOLD - Feel Shoulders Working Like Legs
Child's Posture

Slow Flow: Take the Pelvic/Shoulder Knowledge & Emanate Out like a Flower Blooming - or a Starfish waving in the water's flow.
Tree --> Toppling Tree --> High Lunge --> Warrior II --> Triangle --> 1/2 Moon --. Tree

Pranayama 2:
Sit on Chair
Nodi Shodahana - Alternate Nostril Breathing


People really seemed to LOVE this class.  Personally, I enjoyed the balance of physique with intellect and strength with awareness.  Best of all, my hips & pelvis felt super-charged well into the next day. 

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