Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 2014 Teacher Training Goals

I'll be attending a 14 day yoga teacher training at Lotus Life Yoga Center in Syracuse, NY this summer.  Prior to going we're supposed to develop a list of 15 goals.  The syllabus says the goals should pertain to "yourself during this training and also for your life."  That seems a bit too general to be of much use for me, so I'm going to focus on goals for the during the training, yoga practice goals, and goals for our yoga studio.

  1. Immerse Myself in Yoga for Fourteen Days 
  2. Enjoy Vacation with my Girlfriend
  3. Be a Student
  4. Commune with a deep, loving Community of similarly-Minded Yogis for a Time
  5. Experiment with New Teaching Ideas
  6. Learn how to Teach Better...
    • ...Yoga Postures
    • ...Yoga Sequences
    • ...Yoga Classes
    • ...Themes
  7. Blog my Yoga Insights & Sequences
  8. Glimpse Jason without Work for Fourteen Days
  9. Develop an Understanding of the LLYC Business and Compare it to my Own
  10. Prepare my Businesses & Studio so Well Before I Leave that there is No Need to Worry
  11. Help my Studio's co-Director Plan her own Teacher Training
  12. Try again to get my Dad to attend our Gentle Yoga Class on Thursdays
  13. More Training...
    • ...AcroYoga
    • ...Yin
    • ...with John Friend
  14. Continue Visiting Physical Therapist for Insights from Western Medicine
  15. Understand why people think the kind of Yoga we Practice is Ancient
  16. Continue exploring the difference between Training and Straining for myself & others
  17. Achieve Yoga Magic
  18. Obtain Yoga Alliance 200-Hour Certification

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